
The evolved form of Flirt: inhabiting the chassis of an X10-D draft droid Flirt functioned as the personalized handheld translator belonging to Chenlambec. Although she presented an external appearance of a diminutive, ornamental silver cube, her core was a positronic processor, yet too small to be classified as a legitimate droid. This unique and illicit creation was the brainchild of a deceased friend of Chenlambec, who had been slain. Flirt's programming enabled her to infiltrate and then charm computer systems, compelling them to comply. She could unlock data streams, supplant existing commands with those from her owner, and completely disable security protocols, provided she successfully seduced the targeted computer. Notably, she achieved all this without needing physical connection to an information socket.

The initial centimeter beneath her titanium shell housed a potent sensor/antenna array. This winding configuration allowed her to interface with any computer via any available port, even standard power outlets. However, her method of computer seduction often resulted in lengthy task completion times, in contrast to the speed of other droids or programs. Despite this, Flirt possessed the ability to breach almost any intelligent system, given sufficient time. Characterized by an effusive and loquacious nature, along with a piercing female voice, Flirt would often hum off-key while engaged in her work. When inactive, she resembled a mere decorative piece, particularly when attached to Chenlambec's bandolier, which incorporated similar silver cubes to mask her true identity.

After Chenlambec and his associate Tinian I'att successfully captured Bossk and commandeered the vessel known as the Hound's Tooth, Flirt assumed control of the body of a large, robust, but intellectually limited X10-D unit. This allowed her to achieve mobility and operational capacity.

