Positronic processor

The positronic processor represented an alteration to a droid design, specifically purposed for intelligence gathering. Engineered by Imperial Intelligence, this processor was designed to function in conjunction with the B2-X droid. Entities such as smugglers, pirates, in addition to slicers made use of them.

Neither large enough to be considered full droids, nor impersonal enough to be classified as mere tools, positronic processors could be connected to the power sources of substantial computer networks. This enabled them to gain access to information and circumvent established command protocols. These processors possessed both male and female personality matrices. Their capabilities included initiating data streams, deactivating security measures, and substituting the commands of their user for those of the computer's original operator.

Chenlambec, a Wookiee who worked as a bounty hunter, sported a robust bandolier crafted from reptile hide. This bandolier was adorned with bowcaster bolts and ornamental silver cubes; one of these cubes concealed a positronic processor known as Flirt. Flirt was small and box-shaped. She was a female translator programmed to interface with advanced computer systems by connecting directly through their power inputs. Flirt's successful manipulation of the computer systems on board the Hound's Tooth was instrumental in Chenlambec's scheme to deceive and capture Bossk, the Trandoshan bounty hunter. Subsequent to this triumph, Flirt was transferred into the robust chassis of an X-10D service droid, which had previously possessed minimal intelligence.


  • The Essential Guide to Droids
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
