X10-D, alternatively referred to as Exten-dee or X-10-D, was an X10-D draft droid exhibiting a red and bronze color scheme. The Trandoshan bounty hunter known as Bossk employed X10-D to manage numerous systems aboard his personal starship, the Hound's Tooth.
Following a successful bounty acquisition, Bossk ultimately secured ownership of an X10-D unit. Nevertheless, in an attempt to economize, Bossk opted for the less intelligent model, a decision that later proved unwise. During a collaborative hunt for the Millennium Falcon with fellow hunters, Chenlambec, a Wookiee, and Tinian I'att, the pair betrayed their Trandoshan ally. Aided by a mini-droid slicer named Flirt, they seized control of the Hound's Tooth and its central shipboard computer, including X10-D. The droid was then manipulated to confine his previous owner within the cargo bay. Chenlambec and Tinian I'att subsequently absconded with the starship, while Flirt appropriated the droid's physical form for herself.