Tinian I'att Azur-Jamin

Tinian I'att Azur-Jamin, a female Human, originally the designated successor of I'att Armament, transitioned to a career as a bounty hunter amidst the backdrop of the Galactic Civil War.


Early life

Daye wishes Tinian luck while Wrrlevgebev helps her set up for the demonstration of I'att Armaments's armor-protective field.

Tinian I'att's life began on Druckenwell, an industrial planet. As the heiress to I'att Armament, she shared a loving relationship with Daye Azur-Jamin, a Force-sensitive individual holding the position of Second Undersupervisor within the corporation. A tragic event led to the deaths of her grandparents, Strephan and Augusta I'att, alongside her protector, the [Wookiee](/article/wrrlevgebev](/article/wrrlevgebev), at the hands of Imperials following a demonstration of the newly-created armor-protective field intended for Moff Eisen Kerioth. Daye facilitated her escape, but they became separated, leading her to believe in his demise. From that moment forward, she dedicated herself to dismantling the Empire, willingly risking her own life with the conviction that death would reunite her with Daye.

Bounty hunter

Having fled Druckenwell, she found refuge with Chenlambec, a Wookiee bounty hunter, with whom she formed a bond. He took her on as his apprentice. Despite her slight build and lack of physical strength, Tinian's upbringing at I'att Armaments provided her with extensive knowledge of various weapons, explosives, and armor. Proficient in Shyriiwook, she also served as Chenlambec's interpreter. She remained with him for a period of three years leading up to the incidents involving Bossk and Lomabu III, honing her skills as both a resistance fighter and a Hunter.

In the aftermath of the Battle of Hoth, they devised a strategy to capture Bossk, a Trandoshan bounty hunter, to secure much-needed credits, while simultaneously rescuing a Wookiee slave colony on Lomabu III from Imperial control. Tinian's familiarity with her family's armament factory proved invaluable, enabling her to detect concealed explosives on the ship intended for the Wookiee rescue. Together, she and Chenlambec successfully apprehended Bossk, earning them approximately 37,000 credits. They also acquired Bossk's ship, the Hound's Tooth, although Bossk later managed to break free and reclaim it.


Following the Battle of Endor, Tinian and Daye were reunited. They entered into marriage and had a son, named Tam. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, Tinian assisted the Jedi by scouting the movements of the invading Yuuzhan Vong forces, collaborating with Daye and the Wookiee Lowbacca in Hutt Space. Shortly after the Battle of Fondor, the invaders advanced toward Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa, leading to Daye's capture on Nal Hutta. While Tinian and Lowie successfully retreated to the New Republic, Daye's rescue was not achieved until the war's conclusion.

Behind the scenes

Tinian attempts to evade Imperial stormtroopers by masquerading as Twilit Hearth.

Kathy Tyers drew inspiration for Tinian from Lady Firebird, the central character of her debut novel, Firebird. The name "Tinian" originates from Tine éan, Gaelic terms signifying "fire" and "bird," respectively. Both Tinian and Lady Firebird share a connection to Igor Stravinsky's Firebird Suite.

The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia was the original source to explicitly mention her adoption of Azur-Jamin's surname.

