Tam Azur-Jamin

Tam Azur-Jamin, a Human male strong in the Force, was a Jedi Knight who served the New Republic. He was the offspring of Daye Azur-Jamin, also a Jedi Knight, and Tinian I'att.


Possibly born on Duro, Tam was a quiet Human male and served as his father's Jedi apprentice. When Daye vanished on Nal Hutta during the Yuuzhan Vong War, Luke Skywalker dispatched Tam to locate him. Tam's search on Nal Hutta proved unsuccessful, and he returned to Eclipse Station. During the Battle of Talfaglio, Tam joined Saber Squadron, flying under the callsign "Quiet" alongside Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker. He later battled the Yuuzhan Vong utilizing a unique starfighter created on Zonama Sekot from a seed-partner to which he had formed a bond.

After the Yuuzhan Vong War ended, Tam authored the scholarly work titled Droids, Technology and the Force: A Clash of Phenomena. Subsequently, Daye Azur-Jamin was found on Roon, having succumbed to the dark side of the Force, but he was ultimately redeemed and reunited with Tam.

During the Dark Nest Crisis, Tam was slated to accompany Kyp Durron on a mission to rescue Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, but Corran Horn intervened and halted the mission.

Behind the scenes

The New Jedi Order: Star by Star mistakenly identifies him as a Duros.

Abel G. Peña penned a real-world article corresponding to the article, for the Hyperspace section of StarWars.com. Published in March of 2005, it was attributed to Tam, with Peña credited as the "translator".

