Daye Azur-Jamin

Daye Azur-Jamin, a male Human hailing from Druckenwell, was a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. He later achieved the rank of Jedi Knight within the New Jedi Order. Employed by I'att Armament, a weapons manufacturing firm on his homeworld, he held the position of Second Undersupervisor reporting to Tinian I'att, the company's future leader. Their relationship blossomed into love, culminating in an engagement, during which Azur-Jamin revealed his Force-sensitivity. Early in the Galactic Civil War, Azur-Jamin played a role in the creation of a groundbreaking anti-energy field designed for stormtrooper armor. I'att Armament intended to mass-produce and sell this technology to the Empire. However, Imperial Moff Eisen Kerioth betrayed the arms dealers, murdering Tinian's grandparents and seizing the technology for himself. To enable Tinian's escape, Azur-Jamin sabotaged and destroyed the factory from within. Severely injured, he sought medical assistance from the Rebel Alliance.

After ensuring Tinian was informed of his supposed death in the explosion, Azur-Jamin was relocated to a Rebel base on Silver Station. However, an Imperial raid prematurely ended his treatment in a bacta tank. His injuries, including crushed legs, damaged arms, impaired vision, and head trauma, became permanent. Cybernetic augmentations replaced a significant portion of his organic body. Eventually, after the Sunesi on Monor II restored his eyesight, he resolved to find his beloved, and their reunion occurred. Azur-Jamin joined Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order, as did his and Tinian's son, Tam, eventually becoming a respected Jedi Knight. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, Daye served as a scout, venturing into enemy territory to assess the damage inflicted by the Yuuzhan Vong. However, a failed mission on Nal Hutta resulted in over a year of lost contact with the Order, during which he was seduced to the dark side of the Force by a Dark Jedi. After abducting Kyle Katarn, he was captured by a commando team led by Jan Ors and Mara Jade Skywalker, who attempted to bring him back to the light.


Early life

During the era of the Galactic Empire, Daye Azur-Jamin, a male Human, was born on the industrial world of Druckenwell. Possessing Force-sensitivity, Azur-Jamin, despite lacking formal training, gradually learned to harness the Force, particularly under duress. Given the Empire's persecution and frequent imprisonment of Force-attuned individuals, he kept his abilities secret. Despite the risk of persecution, Azur-Jamin remained committed to his principles and continued to explore his Force abilities. Although he did not openly oppose the Empire, Daye Azur-Jamin viewed it as corrupt and unreliable from a young age.

Seeking to establish himself, he relocated to Il Avali, Druckenwell's capital city. Like most of Druckenwell's inhabitants, Azur-Jamin found employment at I'att Armament, an Imperial weapons manufacturing company owned by the I'att family. He started as a worker-class assembly droid maintenance technician. His diligence led to promotions, and he ascended the corporate hierarchy to become Second Undersupervisor to Tinian I'att, the company's heiress. Azur-Jamin sensed that I'att, who was about his age, was lonely in her managerial role and life with her grandparents. They became friends, and Azur-Jamin eventually confided in her about his Force-sensitivity. Similarly, I'att shared her concerns and troubles. They eventually fell in love and planned to marry upon I'att's inheritance of the family company. Strephan and Augusta I'att, I'att's grandparents and guardians, approved of her relationship with him, and Azur-Jamin knew them well. However, he occasionally clashed with Strephan, who had extensive ties to the Empire.

Incident at I'att armories

Daye Azur-Jamin.

During the Galactic Civil War, Azur-Jamin assisted I'att Armament in developing a personal anti-energy field capable of deflecting energy within a one-meter radius. Augusta I'att suffered from a rare degenerative syndrome, and the family hoped to secure an Imperial contract for the anti-energy fields, designed specifically for stormtrooper armor, to afford her treatment. The plan was that Augusta and Strephan would retire and seek treatment, handing over the factory and business to Azur-Jamin and their granddaughter. They scheduled a meeting with Imperial Moff Eisen Kerioth of the Doldur sector at the factory to demonstrate the anti-energy field's capabilities and negotiate a large-scale sale to the Empire. Despite his reservations about the Empire's methods, Azur-Jamin recognized the potential value of such an opportunity for his closest friends.

Moff Kerioth arrived at I'att Armament with a stormtrooper escort, making Azur-Jamin and Tinian's Wookiee bodyguard, Wrrlevgebev, wary. Kerioth, a condescending Human male, observed Azur-Jamin and Strephan I'att demonstrating their new technology on an employee. Azur-Jamin explained the device's functionality and benefits to the Empire, but Kerioth was displeased that the employee flinched during the demonstration. He demanded that Strephan I'att prove his confidence in the energy field by using a senior employee for another demonstration. Kerioth, who had been insulting Tinian and questioning her presence, requested that Strephan's granddaughter wear the armor and anti-energy field. The owner of I'att Armament refused, but Tinian, seeking to demonstrate her bravery, agreed. Strephan and Augusta I'att were dismayed, but Azur-Jamin understood her decision and wished her well.

Doubting the anti-energy field's effectiveness, Kerioth ordered three stormtroopers to fire their blaster rifles at Tinian. Her confidence wavered as they fired, and she attempted to duck, but the anti-energy field functioned perfectly, leaving her unharmed. Relieved, Azur-Jamin believed they had secured the sale. Kerioth was impressed by the device, so much so that he decided to keep its operation secret. He sealed the exits and demanded that Azur-Jamin and the I'atts accompany him to the Doldur sector to prevent rebels from discovering the anti-energy field's secret. Augusta was too ill to travel, so Tinian and Azur-Jamin offered to go with Kerioth while she and Strephan sought treatment, but Kerioth insisted they all leave together. When the I'atts refused, Kerioth had his men execute Strephan and Augusta I'att on the spot.

Azur-Jamin and I'att.

Shocked and angered, Azur-Jamin asked Kerioth why he had killed the elder I'atts. Kerioth revealed that Emperor Palpatine had been funding Kerioth's research into anti-energy technology, and he intended to present Azur-Jamin's and the I'atts' work as his own. Azur-Jamin prepared to attack the stormtroopers, but Tinian's Wookiee bodyguard acted faster. He activated a blast door, trapping Kerioth and two stormtroopers, separating them from the other four. Wrrl and Tinian fled through an exit, while Azur-Jamin went in the opposite direction, hoping to draw the majority of the troopers away from his lover. He was pursued by numerous stormtroopers, reinforcements called by Kerioth, and a blaster bolt struck him in the thigh during his attempt to distract them.

Azur-Jamin managed to hide in an empty service tunnel, knowing the Imperials would soon find him. He used his comlink to tap into Kerioth's frequency and monitor the moff's forces. He learned that Kerioth had escaped and ordered more reinforcements from Il Avali's spaceport, and that Wrrl had sacrificed himself to buy Tinian I'att time to escape. Kerioth had dispatched repulsorlift vehicles to pursue her, so Azur-Jamin knew he had to create a distraction quickly to help her escape. Through Kerioth's comlink, Azur-Jamin learned that the factory was being cleared of personnel to locate him via infrared scanning. This meant he didn't have to worry about endangering innocents when creating his distraction. He planned to use the anti-energy field to overload the power grid, destroying the factory and preventing the Imperials from stealing his and Strephan's invention.

Azur-Jamin executed his plan, destroying the I'att Armament factory and its research facility, preventing his technology from falling into Imperial hands. He barely survived, losing an eye, sustaining serious head injuries, and losing strength in his left arm. His legs were crushed by falling debris, and he suffered internal injuries. A Gotal named Toalar Yalom Yalom and a Human named Woyiq, members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, found him before Kerioth's Imperials and pulled him from the rubble. They evaded the Imperials and took Azur-Jamin to a safehouse, but they lacked proper medical equipment. With his remaining strength, Azur-Jamin instructed the two Rebels to find I'att and tell her they found no survivors, hoping she would leave Druckenwell and start a new life. Toalar and Woyiq located I'att and relayed the "bad news" before returning to Azur-Jamin at the safehouse.

Joining the Rebellion

Toalar and Woyiq smuggled Azur-Jamin off-world, intending to take him to a Rebel cell led by Una Poot on Silver Station, near Druckenwell and the Dragonflower Nebula. Delays at Doldur Spaceport forced Azur-Jamin's companions to use their last medpacs several days before reaching Silver Station, worsening his condition. They hoped Poot had access to a bacta tank, though they secretly feared he might die. Upon arrival, security was tight, and Poot demanded to see Azur-Jamin before providing medical supplies. He told her about working with Strephan I'att, but she was suspicious of I'att's Imperial ties. When he mentioned the prototype armor, she showed him a set of the armor—Tinian I'att's set.

Azur-Jamin's bacta tank is smashed.

Azur-Jamin's lover had recently joined Poot's Rebel cell but was off-station. When Azur-Jamin identified components of the armor, Poot admitted him into the Rebel Alliance, warning him against contacting I'att, believing fighting the Empire was more important than love. Azur-Jamin agreed and was taken to the medical ward and a bacta tank. He spent over a day in the tank, contemplating his decision not to find I'att, but his stay was cut short when Toalar and Woyiq smashed the tank with a chair. Silver Station was under Imperial attack. The two Rebels told a dazed Azur-Jamin that the station was heavily damaged and wouldn't last, and stormtroopers were heading to the medical facility. Barely able to walk, Azur-Jamin was helped toward the exit by his companions. Eventually, the stormtroopers caught up and opened fire. Knowing he was slowing them down, Azur-Jamin ordered them to leave him, but Toalar and Woyiq refused.

Stormtroopers surrounded the trio at both ends of the corridors, but Woyiq used a slime to slow their advance. The group escaped to a lower level through a hatch, worsening Azur-Jamin's injuries. They reached a docking bay where Una Poot was sending off the last of the ships. She was relieved to see Azur-Jamin safe, knowing he was crucial to their fight against the Empire. She hoped his armor design and manufacturing skills would help her Rebel cell create their own armor cheaply. Azur-Jamin knew the attack on Silver Station and the interrupted bacta treatment meant his injuries would be permanent, requiring cybernetics, a fact everyone acknowledged.

They boarded the Sitting Duck and left the station as it collapsed. As the pilot evaded pursuing TIE fighters, Poot pointed out I'att's ship escaping the station, telling Azur-Jamin she was partnered with a Wookiee freedom fighter named Chenlambec. Azur-Jamin was concerned for his lover's safety during her assignments with Chenlambec, but Poot silenced him. The Sitting Duck entered hyperspace and fled to the Rebel cell in the Monor system.

The Sunesi

The Sitting Duck reached safety, where Azur-Jamin's injuries were examined. His legs were braced, and a shattered shoulder was replaced. Due to cranial damage, his right eye was 85% blind, and his left was constantly blurred. A chip beneath his cheek allowed him to use a powerful monolens, restoring most of his vision. He continued to serve with Toalar and Woyiq, working on duplicating the energy-resistant armor I'att had provided. Around this time, Poot allied with the Sunesi, the native species of Monor II, whose leader, Agapos IX, was marked for death by the Empire for speaking out against it. Poot arranged for Toalar, Woyiq, and Azur-Jamin to smuggle weapons to the Sunesi on Monor's surface, despite the strong Imperial presence.

On their first gun run, the trio successfully cached thousands of weapons on one of the system's moons without incident. They had to send a message pod to the Sunesi Rebels on the surface with the weapons' location. En route to Monor II's surface, they were intercepted by an Imperial vessel. Their transponder code was outdated, and the Imperials thought they were criminal smugglers. Toalar sent the pod away and tried to outrun the Imperials, but they caught the ship in a tractor beam. The administrator, Fugueé, wasn't harsh with smugglers, and Toalar tasked Azur-Jamin with using his Force abilities to persuade Fugueé they were no threat. Azur-Jamin, burdened by the pressure, wondered if the others overestimated his untrained and erratic abilities.

Azur-Jamin's prosthetics are removed.

A group of Imperials boarded the Rebel ship, and Azur-Jamin learned that a stricter administrator, Brago, had replaced Fugueé. The Empire wanted to deal with the Sunesi by force. Knowing that every moment the Imperials were distracted brought the message pod closer to the Sunesi, Woyiq attacked the Imperials until they knocked him unconscious. Azur-Jamin feared the pod would be shot down before reaching the surface, but Una Poot arrived in her ship and lingered, hoping to obscure their view of the pod. Azur-Jamin was taken away as an Imperial gunner claimed to have destroyed something, but Azur-Jamin sensed something peculiar in the Force. Confused, he was taken to meet Administrator Brago.

Brago questioned Azur-Jamin and Toalar about their cargo and motivations, but they refused to answer. Assuming the Gotal was the leader, he scheduled him for interrogation and ordered his subordinates to execute all three Rebels after the Fete Week feast. After depositing him in the cell, Azur-Jamin's escorts removed his external cybernetics, mocking him for being more droid than man. Chagrined and infuriated, he lay in the cell for hours, contemplating his life and how long he had before Brago ordered his execution.

Later, an Imperial entered his cell with two Sunesi and a protocol droid. He revealed himself as Urek, one of Una Poot's Rebel spies who had infiltrated the Empire during Fugueé's tenure, and that he had come to rescue Azur-Jamin, Woyiq, and Toalar. The droid carried the immobile Azur-Jamin as they escaped the ship, pursued by stormtroopers. Azur-Jamin and his companions made it to safety, but one of the Sunesi, Nee, was badly wounded by a blaster bolt. To Azur-Jamin's astonishment, she healed herself with ease, ostensibly through the Force, and felt refreshed. Intrigued, Azur-Jamin vowed to learn about the healing power and have it applied to himself. He felt a healing within himself, realizing his eyesight had been restored, and he anticipated meeting the Sunesi leader, Agapos, for the journey to Monor II's surface in a stolen Imperial shuttle.

Upon arriving, they learned that a distress signal had been sent by the Sunesi on the surface. Agapos had been ambushed and seemingly killed by unknown assassins. Agapos's second-in-command, a droid named Bee-Kay-Four, informed Azur-Jamin that the weapons delivered to Monor II's moon hadn't been recovered due to the furor surrounding Agapos's supposed death. As the Rebels greeted the Sunesi township, an unidentified ship, presumed to be that of Agapos's killers, made a break for the atmosphere. Although not normally vengeful, the Sunesi prepared to fire on the ship, but Azur-Jamin, recognizing the vessels as I'att and Chenlambec's from Una Poot's descriptions, pleaded with them to wait. He concluded that I'att had faked Agapos's death so the Empire wouldn't see the Sunesi as a threat, and the Sunesi leader was aboard the ship. Life-form readings confirmed this.

The Sunesi scrambled to cancel the order to fire, but several missiles hit, crippling its shields. Worried the Empire might intercept the struggling vessel and find Agapos, Azur-Jamin and his companions pursued, following them in hyperspace to Tekla Point. The space station was packed with sentients, and Toalar wanted to cut their losses and return to Monor II, but Azur-Jamin persisted and located Agapos through the Sunesi leader's presence in the Force. I'att and Chenlambec had already left the station. Agapos conversed with Azur-Jamin, and the young Human revealed his past life and involvement with I'att. Agapos had spent time with I'att and told Azur-Jamin she was still mourning his death and trying to avoid falling in love again. Worried, Azur-Jamin offered to join the Sunesi way and become a disciple of Agapos, but the Sunesi leader said it would take a long time to fully heal himself. Instead, he told him to seek out I'att, and that she would accept him for who he was, despite his injuries.

Jedi Knight

Eventually, some time after 5 ABY, I'att discovered Azur-Jamin was alive, and they reunited. They married, with Tinian taking Azur-Jamin's surname, and had a son, Tam. Azur-Jamin's injuries never fully healed, and much of his body remained robotic. He became a Jedi Knight in Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order, and despite his cybernetics, he became a talented and revered Jedi. Tam followed his father's path and became a Jedi Knight, and he, his father, and I'att often worked together on missions for the Order. Daye was also close to Cilghal, a Mon Calamari Jedi Healer, who thought highly of him.

The Force-sensitive Yuuzhan Vong standing over her captive.

In the year 25 ABY, the Yuuzhan Vong, hailing from beyond the galactic boundaries, launched their invasion of the galaxy. The Jedi sought to resist this aggression. Simultaneously, entities like the Hutts explored potential alliances with these aliens; however, both parties betrayed each other. Consequently, the Yuuzhan Vong conquered and invaded the Hutt homeworld of Nal Hutta, utilizing Hutt Space as a refuge from the forces of the New Republic. Azur-Jamin was dispatched to Nal Hutta on a reconnaissance mission, tasked with observing the Yuuzhan Vong presence and assessing the invasion's impact. I'att, accompanied by Lowbacca, a Wookiee Jedi, followed closely behind in Hutt Space. The Yuuzhan Vong's absence in the Force, coupled with their ability to suppress it in large numbers, rendering Jedi unable to sense allies, made the mission perilous.

Unfortunately, events took a turn for the worse, causing Azur-Jamin to miss his reporting deadline to Skywalker by a week. I'att and Lowbacca sought refuge on Kashyyyk, while Azur-Jamin's son, Tam, was sent to Nal Hutta to investigate his father's disappearance. Tam's efforts proved fruitless, and after more than a year, the Jedi Order remained unaware of Azur-Jamin's fate. Deeply affected by his father's vanishing, Tam began researching the connection between the Force and droids, as well as other technologies. He penned an essay entitled Droids, Technology, and the Force: A Clash of Phenomena, defending his father's capacity to be a Jedi despite his cybernetic enhancements, drawing parallels to the Jedi martyr Empatojayos Brand. Tam's report was largely a response to critics who argued that individuals with extensive cybernetics were "less Human" and more vulnerable to the dark side of the Force.

Ironically, Daye Azur-Jamin had succumbed to the dark side during the war, influenced by a Force-sensitive Yuuzhan Vong female. This Dark Jedi, under the guidance of a powerful master, manipulated Azur-Jamin after the Yuuzhan Vong War concluded in 29 ABY. Prompted by rumors of the Sith's resurgence following the Emperor's demise at the Battle of Endor, Jedi Kyle Katarn began investigating the Cloak of the Sith region, where Azur-Jamin subsequently abducted and imprisoned him. Concerned about Katarn's disappearance, New Republic Intelligence agent Jan Ors and Jedi Mara Jade Skywalker assembled a team of Alpha Blue agents and Jedi Knights to locate him. They eventually discovered Katarn and Azur-Jamin; the team rescued Katarn and attempted to redeem Azur-Jamin, guiding him back to the light. Ultimately, the cyborg Force-user revealed the identity of his dark side influencer and her likely master.

Personality and traits

Daye Azur-Jamin, Jedi Knight of the New Jedi Order.

In his younger years, Daye Azur-Jamin possessed a strong sense of idealism, despising the Empire for its corrupt practices and unethical conduct. His faith in the Force was unwavering, even knowing the severe repercussions if discovered by the Empire. He held deep affection for his lover, Tinian I'att, and her grandparents, despite his reservations about their Imperial connections. Azur-Jamin also exhibited a profound respect for life, consistently striving to ensure his actions never harmed innocent beings. During the incident at I'att Armament, he prioritized evacuating all civilians from the factory before initiating its detonation, even though the delay reduced I'att's chances of escaping Kerioth's Imperials.

Azur-Jamin possessed significant pride, feeling diminished after sustaining injuries and receiving cybernetic implants. This led him to believe I'att would no longer want to see him, leading him to falsely report his death. Throughout his life, Azur-Jamin faced ostracism due to his cybernetics, ranging from hateful Imperials who considered him a droid to those who questioned his ability to resist the dark side during his Jedi tenure. Many perceived him as "less Human" than themselves.

Behind the scenes

Kathy Tyers originated the character of Daye Azur-Jamin. He was first introduced as one of the main characters in Tinian on Trial, a short story featured in the Star Wars Adventure Journal 4 in 1994. Subsequently, he appeared in To Fight Another Day and Only Droids Serve the Maker in later Adventure Journal editions in 1995 and 1996. He received a mention in Tyers's contribution to Tales of the Bounty Hunters, specifically The Prize Pelt: The Tale of Bossk, in 1996, but was then absent from references for several years.

In Tyers's New Jedi Order novel, The New Jedi Order: Balance Point, published in 2000, Luke Skywalker briefly mentions Daye Azur-Jamin, revealing that he had a son named Tam. Troy Denning became the first author besides Tyers to acknowledge the character, briefly mentioning him in 2001's The New Jedi Order: Star by Star. Who's Who in the New Jedi Order, an article by Daniel Wallace in Star Wars Insider 57 in 2002, confirmed that I'att and Azur-Jamin had reunited, which was hinted at in Balance Point. The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia later established their marriage. Abel G. Peña featured Daye Azur-Jamin in several online supplements in 2005. The character was mentioned in a Hyperspace article, Droids, Technology, and the Force: A Clash of Phenomena, which stated that Daye Azur-Jamin had died from an in-universe perspective. This was a tie-in to an earlier roleplaying game seed from The Dark Forces Saga on the Wizards of the Coast website, which mentioned Azur-Jamin's disappearance. In the seed, players could attempt to redeem Azur-Jamin and restore him to the light side, or interrogate and kill him, though the canonical outcome remains unknown.

In an image in Who's Who in the New Jedi Order, Azur-Jamin is depicted with his monolens, which he acquired in Only Droids Serve the Maker after becoming a Jedi. However, near the end of Only Droids Serve the Maker, his eye is healed, and he is depicted alongside Agapos without the monolens. This discrepancy has yet to be addressed in canon, though it is possible Azur-Jamin's eyesight deteriorated after the events of Only Droids Serve the Maker.

