The Sunesi were a species of sentient humanoid amphibians who originated on the planet Monor II. These beings could breathe the poisonous atmosphere of their home world, and they were particularly known for their unique and early metamorphosis that occurred during their adolescent years.
As a species of sentient amphibians, the Sunesi possessed several distinct biological traits. They had pink blood, a decentralized nervous system, and specialized lungs that allowed them to process the thick cirrifog prevalent in their atmosphere. At birth, Sunesi began their lives as hairy, non-sentient creatures, lacking any form of awareness until the age of 15, at which point they entered a state similar to hibernation. Their sweat, when combined with the crystalline structure of the cirrifog, created a cocoon around their bodies, enabling them to pupate. Once fully developed within the cocoon, the Sunesi had to break free from their hardened enclosure to survive. Many did not survive this process, but those who did emerged with bright turquoise skin, completely hairless, and fully sentient. While Sunesi communicated verbally through their mouths, they also possessed an additional method of ultrasonic communication that utilized their large cranium.
Despite gaining sentience relatively late in their life cycle, the Sunesi managed to establish a thriving society on their native planet. They developed a monotheistic religion centered around the belief in the Maker, and they also embraced the concept of reincarnation, a belief likely influenced by their hibernation-like phase of life. Their language, which combined both verbal and ultrasonic sounds, translated their species name to mean "pilgrim". Due to their ability to disrupt electronic listening devices with their ultrasonic vocalizations, agents of the Galactic Empire often referred to them derisively as "lumpheads." The Sunesi government was headed by a Priest-Prince, who was believed to have a direct connection to the Maker. This position was hereditary, and leaders served at their discretion until either their death or resignation.

Although they weren't widespread throughout the galaxy, some Sunesi individuals achieved prominence during the waning years of the Galactic Republic and throughout the duration of the Galactic Empire's rule. A Force-sensitive named Aqinos was discovered by the Jedi Order in the final decades of the Republic. He rose to the rank of Jedi Master before being expelled from the Order for heresy. Aqinos, along with his followers known as the Iron Knights, sought refuge with the Altisian Jedi and later allied himself with the reformed Jedi Order following the demise of Emperor Palpatine.