Xin Baliss

Xin Baliss, a male Human, was a member of House Baliss. This noble family chose to remain impartial during the conflict between the Galactic Republic and the reconsituted Sith Empire.


Following the theft of a datapad from the Baliss estate by the smuggler Ace (an act that enabled House Teraan to recover their lost wealth), Xin Baliss was dispatched by his father, Duke Baliss, to seek retribution against House Teraan. His method was to challenge Lenn to a deadly blaster duel. Because Lenn lacked proficiency with a blaster, he and his sister Cedonia convinced Ace to represent them as their champion. Xin grew impatient awaiting the Teraan's champion in their rooms at House Organa. Upon encountering Ace, he displayed considerable disdain for the offworlder. Despite Xin's initial confidence in his ability to defeat Ace when the duel commenced, he was swiftly overcome.

