Xora was a Falleen female employed by Jib Kopatha, a Bothan information dealer, during the time of the Galactic Civil War. In 7 BBY, her siblings were killed when Darth Vader implemented sterilization on a major city on Falleen's planet, following the spread of an experimental bacterial disease.

Not long after the Evacuation of Yavin, Xora, along with several of her Falleen colleagues (including Zuur), plotted to murder Darth Vader when he visited Void Station, seeking vengeance for his destruction of their people. As Vader was leaving, Xora approached, promising information on the Rebels. Vader, intrigued, followed her into a seemingly deserted room, where another Falleen shot him. Xora then pulled out a knife, intending to stab herself, but Vader pushed her back. They were no match for the powerful Sith Lord, and Xora saw them defeated quickly. Vader then seized her throat and began to choke her. As she struggled for air, Vader stated that he disliked being reminded of his past. On the verge of death, Xora used her final breath to tell the Sith Lord that he could not escape his past, but Vader ignored her and ended her life by snapping her neck.
Xora harbored intense animosity towards Vader and the Galactic Empire, considering him a monster. Contrary to the customs of her species, she openly displayed her emotions and acted with impatience, likely due to the trauma caused by the losses inflicted by Vader.