A male Givin hailing from the planet Yag'Dhul, was known as Yag Shushin.
Approximately around the year 31 BBY, Shushin experienced a crash landing on Dathomir, subsequently becoming a slave under a Dathomiri Witches tribe. The wreckage of his spacecraft was repurposed into a subterine. In that year, a fresh slave arrived and they formed a bond. During an attack by a Giant Wuffa on the slaves, the new slave, identified as Quin, used a lightsaber to slay the beast. Yag Shushin was the first to recognize that his new companion was a Jedi. Later, Zalem promoted both of them to the position of Lizard Keepers. The duty of a lizard keeper involved severing the paws of the Kwi. Unable to endure the ongoing cruelty, the pair subdued the other lizard keepers and liberated all the Kwi. Following this, Quinlan requested Yag to pilfer a subterine.
Yag infiltrated the ship, only to discover Ros Lai already present. The two former rivals joined forces and quickly went to the camp to liberate the Jedi. They succeeded and together they went underground, to the Infinity Gate. While being pursued, they eliminated one of their attackers. The remaining pursuer fired upon their cockpit, causing it to ignite. Yag sacrificed himself by jumping in front of his two friends, saving their lives.
Yag possessed notable unarmed combat skills, demonstrated by defeating a knife-wielding lizard keeper without weapons, and later, by sneaking up on and rendering unconscious a witch guarding the subterine.