Yakown Reth

Yakown Reth, during the era of the Yuuzhan Vong War, served the cause of the New Republic as a leader; first of Green Squadron and later of Blackmoon Squadron, both composed of E-wing starfighters. In contrast to the novel strategies being utilized to combat the Yuuzhan Vong, he favored more direct and conventional dogfighting techniques. Following the Fall of Coruscant, Captain Reth and the Blackmoons found themselves stationed on Borleias. Although an elite [pilot](/article/pilot/legends], the constant combat over Borleias began to negatively impact his physical well-being. Furthermore, he began to doubt the motivations of General Wedge Antilles, struggling to comprehend why Antilles was allowing the slow destruction of the Lusankya. The pressure exerted by the Battle of Borleias ultimately overwhelmed Reth, causing him to become paranoid. Upon Luke's return from his mission to Coruscant, it was reported that Blackmoon Squadron had, on that very day, suffered the loss of three pilots, including both its commanding officer and second-in-command. Due to paranoia stemming from battle stress, he was removed from his position. Ultimately, Luke Skywalker succeeded him as the leader of Blackmoon.

