A dwelling situated on Naboo was owned by Yané and Saché, who were wives and both previously served as handmaidens to Padmé Amidala. By the conclusion of Amidala's second term as queen in 28 BBY, Yané had acquired the residence. Mariek Panaka's relatives resided in proximity to the dwelling, and he offered their assistance to Yané in furnishing the house prior to the couple's move-in. Reportedly, the house was quite large, containing a communications console and Yané's weaving loom. A garden and a pond were also features of the property.
In 22 BBY, following a mudslide that devastated a village in Naboo's secondary continent's eastern regions, Yané offered shelter in the house to eight orphaned children. In time, relatives took in four of the children. Four days after that, the four remaining children, who were all cousins, slept in Yané and Saché's bed while Yané spoke with Amidala on the communications console, who was seeking guidance on the use of her wedding fabric. Later that year, Saché directed her children to the garden so she could have a private discussion with Amidala about Amidala's recent assignment to Hebekrr Minor and her encounter with Oje N'deeb. The conversation ended when one of Saché's children tumbled into the pond, causing a disturbance.