Yavin Station

Yavin Station was a space station constructed to orbit the gas giant known as Yavin Prime.


During the period of the Great Sith War, this station functioned as a supply depot for the Galactic Republic. Following the defeat of Exar Kun and the subsequent bombing of his stronghold located on Yavin 4, the station was left unmanned.

Later, Suvam Tan, a former Rodian slave who had been enslaved by Exar's forces, made the station his home, utilizing it as a base of operations for scavenging activities on Yavin 4. He bartered the salvaged materials with passing Trandoshans and smugglers in return for food and other provisions. During the time of the Jedi Civil War, Revan encountered Yavin Station and Suvam. In exchange for Revan's help against the Trandoshans (who had become unruly due to the demise of Davik Kang), Suvam provided the Jedi with a selection of rare and powerful equipment.

Eventually, Yavin Station started to fall apart because of the subpar Tatooine ore utilized in the alloys that formed the station's construction. Suvam concealed some of his most valued belongings in various locations on Yavin's three habitable moons and dispatched a data crystal containing the pertinent information to his son located on Rodia. The station remained structurally sound up to the time of the Galactic War three centuries later; however, sometime afterwards, it exploded, propelling it towards Yavin 22.

Four millennia later, Suvam's descendant, Suz Tanwa, discovered both the station and Suvam's remains.

Behind the scenes

"Yavin: The Big Red One" initially mentioned that the station met its end shortly after the Jedi Civil War. However, Star Wars: The Old Republic: Shadow of Revan depicts the station as still being intact more than three centuries later. Because the station is discovered in 0 BBY on Yavin 22, this article operates under the assumption that the station still exploded sometime after the events of Shadow of Revan.

