The confrontation at Yavin Station unfolded in 3956 BBY on the Yavin Station itself. Trandoshan pirates launched an invasion of the station with the intention of settling a grievance with Suvam Tan, a Rodian scavenger. During his mission, the Jedi Padawan Revan made his third and final return to the station. While conversing with Tan, Revan was compelled to engage the pirates in combat, who had utilized cloaking themselves to infiltrate the station undetected. However, the battle was swift, resulting in the pirates' defeat and the preservation of Tan's life.
Suvam Tan, once a Rodian slave, established his base of operations on Yavin Station, situated above the gas giant Yavin Prime. He utilized the station for his scavenging activities. Tan frequently journeyed to Yavin 4, gathering any potentially valuable salvage. He would then trade this salvage with passing Trandoshan pirates or smugglers in exchange for essential food and supplies to maintain the station's operations. Tan also occasionally conducted transactions with Davik Kang, a crime lord affiliated with the Exchange. Following Kang's death on Taris, the Trandoshan presence grew more aggressive, sensing a power vacuum that emboldened their actions.
Revan, the Jedi Padawan and former Sith Lord, journeyed to the station sometime after departing from Dantooine (after completing his re-training). He discovered the station's coordinates within the navicomputer of the Ebon Hawk, the ship he had acquired from Kang after the latter's demise. Upon arriving at the station, he met with Tan, who learned of Kang's death. Revan returned a second time around when he learnt about his Sith past. During his second visit, he interrupted Trandoshan pirates who were threatening and intimidating Tan. The pirates accused Tan of withholding goods as part of their arrangement and demanded a revised deal. However, Revan intervened, forcing the Trandoshans to retreat, but they vowed that their business with Tan remained unresolved.
Following his departed from Korriban, Revan made his way back to the space station. After docking, he proceeded to meet with Tan. However, their conversation was abruptly interrupted by the Trandoshan pirates, who revealed that their cloaking devices had allowed them to board the station and approach Tan undetected. Revan's attempts to negotiate a peaceful resolution failed, and he was compelled to defeat all the pirates when they launched an attack. This action safeguarded Tan from further interference from the Trandoshans in his operations.
Tan was saved by Revan's intervention, and in return, he offered to sell Revan two rare artifacts: the Mantle of the Force and the Heart of the Guardian.
The events that transpire on Yavin Station are featured in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. It serves as an optional destination that players can visit at any point after leaving Dantooine but before exploring Rakata Prime. Players have the option to bypass this location entirely if they choose.