The sand lizard with a yellow belly was a diminutive reptilian species of non-sentient nature. They came from a homeworld that remains a mystery, although their common name and observed actions imply an adjustment to arid desert environments. A fully grown sand lizard, identifiable by its yellow underbelly, possessed the capacity to be taught a variety of intricate actions.
During a visit to the Reestkii settlement located on Jakku, the Nu-Cosian narrator known as Bobbajo displayed a duo of these yellow-bellied sand lizards, creatures that he had personally instructed. These lizards sprang forth from the storyteller's sleeves, standing upright on their rear limbs. Subsequently, they expanded their chests and undulated in a synchronized, rhythmic manner. Following Bobbajo's vocal instruction, the two lizards rapidly retreated to their enclosures, then released a pair of zhhee and climbed atop them.