Yirt (Infinite Empire)

Yirt, a being enslaved by the Rakata species's Infinite Empire, served as the leader of a group of Force-sensitive children who were also enslaved. This individual possessed gray skin, along with white teeth, black hair, and white eyes. Like the other enslaved children, Yirt was marked with a green letter from the Aurebesh alphabet—specifically, the letter Yirt—tattooed onto their forehead and limbs.

Yirt gained the role of pack leader through displays of physical strength and aggression. However, when Yirt attempted to bully a young Human called Xesh, another enslaved individual, Trill, intervened to protect Xesh. Trill employed the Force to throw Yirt forcefully across their shared cell. After being challenged and defeated, Yirt was left vulnerable to the other enslaved children, who then turned on their former oppressor while Trill and Xesh retreated to a different part of the cell.

Behind the scenes

Yirt's appearance occurred in a flashback sequence within Dawn of the Jedi: The Prisoner of Bogan 2, which represents the second installment of the The Prisoner of Bogan story arc featured in the Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi comic book series. This particular issue was written by John Ostrander, with illustrations provided by Jan Duursema, and it was released to the public on December 19, 2012.

