
ZA-13 was an Imperial space station dedicated to manufacturing situated within the Omar system. Its primary function was the production of hyperdrive systems specifically for TIE Avenger starfighters.


The scheme hatched by Admiral Demetrius Zaarin to seize control of the Empire by capturing Emperor [Palpatine](/article/palpatine-legends] ultimately failed, prompting him and his fellow conspirators to flee. In their escape, Zaarin and his accomplices engaged in the systematic plundering of Imperial installations and space stations.

Factory ZA-13 was among the facilities targeted and looted by Zaarin's forces. The preservation of ZA-13 was of paramount importance, given that Zaarin's departing forces had already obliterated all other TIE Avenger factory stations located within the Omar system. Imperial Admiral Thrawn received orders to secure ZA-13 and expel Zaarin's looters. Aided by the exceptional Imperial pilot Maarek Stele, Thrawn's fleet successfully repelled Zaarin's ships, including the Assassin-class corvettes designated as Z-Oz Group, the modular conveyors known as Z-Cod Group, and the YT-1300 light freighter named Coral.

Given the widespread destruction of other TIE Avenger production facilities across the Empire, the recapture of ZA-13 took on critical importance. Maarek Stele was once again selected to lead the escort of personnel to ZA-13, while simultaneously defending against another assault by Zaarin's forces. This attack was spearheaded by the Carrack-class light cruiser Z-Jumimi and three CR90 corvettes belonging to the Z-Caplure Group. The Imperial-class Star Destroyer Render subsequently arrived to relieve Stele's forces.

Thrawn then received instructions to safeguard the facility as it underwent conversion from hyperdrive unit production to full-scale TIE Avenger manufacturing. However, during this conversion process, a Rebel raiding party attacked the convoy, codenamed Rope 17, transporting the necessary components to ZA-13. The Rebel fighters and bombers were equipped with the newly developed magnetic pulse warheads. Admiral Thrawn's forces swiftly repelled the Rebel attack and traced the raid's origin to a Rebel space station, RS-32, which specialized in the production of Mag Pulse warheads.

Recognizing an opportunity to inflict a significant blow against the Rebels, Thrawn dispatched the majority of his fleet to capture RS-32, leaving only two EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigates to defend ZA-13. While Thrawn successfully seized RS-32, the absence of his main forces allowed the rogue Admiral Zaarin to launch a devastating strike on ZA-13, resulting in the factory's destruction and the loss of a substantial number of loyalist defenders.

The destruction of ZA-13 further weakened the Galactic Empire's capacity to produce TIE Avengers, ultimately providing Admiral Zaarin with a strategic advantage over his Imperial adversaries.

