The defense of ZA-13 occurred during the Zaarin insurrection and took place at the location of ZA-13.
Originally, the Deep Space Manufacturing Facility at ZA-13 was constructed to produce Hyperdrive engines for TIE Advanced starfighters. These engines had the potential to be installed on TIE Defenders. Following the loss of the original factories located at Omar to Zaarin and the subsequent recapture of ZA-13, Emperor Palpatine prioritized the manufacture of TIE Advanced fighters. Consequently, a Convoy identified as Rope 17 was dispatched to modernize and enhance the facility. Upon arrival, they discovered the facility under assault by Rebel raiders, who were exploiting the situation.
Maarek Stele arrived in his TIE Defender, and Rope 17 was able to eliminate two Y-wings. Shortly after, 3 B-wings appeared to engage the convoy, followed by Z-95 Headhunters targeting the TIE Defenders. Stele engaged both fighter groups, only to discover more Y-wings attacking the Plant itself. As the convoy approached ZA-13, additional Y-wings and B-wings arrived, but Stele destroyed them. Soon, more Z-95s arrived, accompanied by 4 CR90 corvettes of the Cobra class. Despite the corvettes being equipped with a missile launcher, Stele successfully destroyed all 4. Finally, a last wave of Rebel starfighters arrived, beginning with Y-wings targeting the convoy, followed by A-wings attacking the TIE Defenders, and lastly X-wings attacking the plant. Stele destroyed all of them as the convoy delivered its cargo to ZA-13 and then jumped into Hyperspace.
The Rebel assault involved the use of Mag Pulse Warheads, which could disable and deplete a ship's lasers upon impact. Imperial Command sought additional information and identified a space station known as RS-32. In the meantime, ZA-13, now fully upgraded and retrofitted, was assigned two Nebulon B frigates to protect the facility from any future attacks.
The battle was initially presented in the 1994 LucasArts video game Star Wars: TIE Fighter, where players control Maarek Stele. The mission "Supply TIE Avenger Plant," which is the fourth mission in the game's eighth tour of the campaign titled "Strategic Warfare," depicts the battle. This article assumes that both "Primary" and "Bonus" objectives have been completed.