Zeke Rondel

Zeke Rondel served as an officer within the Alliance to Restore the Republic in the period following the Battle of Yavin. As a Captain, Rondel gave the go-ahead for a mission where Fulkrehm Protial, an analyst, operated in disguise, feigning intoxication to gather intelligence.

Not long after this, Rondel took over as commander of the Rebel Alliance's base situated on Berrol's Donn. He dispatched a team to Kailor V with the aim of acquiring classified information, but their efforts were unsuccessful. Concurrently, his base was involved in a mission that resulted in the rescue of the Shashay Crying Dawn Singer from Braig and Nak Farool. Rondel was easily recognized due to his dense, curly black hair and his stern manner.


Zeke Rondel held a position in the military forces of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Rondel attained the rank of Captain, responsible for either approving or denying proposed missions. Following the Battle of Yavin, Captain Rondel was approached by Fulkrehm Protial, a former Rebel pilot who was now an analyst, and who walked with a limp resembling a drunkard due to injuries. Protial desired to work in the field, acting as a convincing drunkard in a cantina. Initially hesitant, Captain Rondel reconsidered when he realized Protial was deeply dissatisfied with his current role. Captain Rondel authorized Protial's plan, and Protial's performance would ultimately satisfy his superiors.

In the aftermath of the Battle of Yavin, as the Alliance sought to persuade the Shashay species to join their cause, Rondel served as the commander of a covert base of the Alliance on the planet Berrol's Donn. Commander Rondel was aware of the status of the negotiations, as the Shashay had already committed to providing navigators for Rebel ships. However, diplomatic efforts were complicated when the pirate Yearo Seville abducted Crying Dawn Singer, a significant cultural figure of the Shashay. A Rebel operative within the Shashay's entourage, the droid KL-6T-LF7V/T, was also taken, but he managed to transmit a signal from the planet Najarka. Rondel's superiors instructed him to dispatch a team to rescue both Crying Dawn Singer and KL-6T-LF7V/T. Rondel assigned the crew of the CRX-Tug Worthless Fool, even though they were due for leave.

As the mission extended beyond its expected duration, the Shashay navigators serving on Rebel ships threatened to seek assistance from the Galactic Empire in exchange for their loyalty – especially after Seville broadcast a fabricated transmission, posing as an Alliance leader. Rondel was dismayed by this development and relayed the situation to the Worthless Fool. Rondel considered them the Rebel Alliance's only hope in the Rayter sector.

Ultimately, Rondel's agents successfully rescued Crying Dawn Singer from the Imperial agents of Moff Nile Owen and from his adversary Braig Farool.

Around the same time, Commander Rondel tasked a team of Rebels under his command with traveling to Kailor V to gather information about a clandestine Imperial installation. This team was unsuccessful and returned to Rondel without the required data.

Personality and traits

Rondel, characterized by his thick, curly black hair, was a stern military commander who possessed a strong understanding of the political climate in his area. However, he refrained from sharing information he deemed unnecessary. The men under his command at the Rebel base respected him, and even feared his anger. He occasionally used holograms to communicate with his subordinates. Commander Rondel held a belief in the power of the Force, referencing it in his prayers.

Behind the scenes

Zeke Rondel made his debut in The Abduction (1992), a roleplaying adventure published by West End Games for their Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. He was subsequently mentioned in other role-playing guides. If the players in The Abduction fail to recover the droid, it falls into Owen's possession. Owen discovers the location of the Rebel base on Berrol's Donn and dispatches Imperial forces to destroy it. Rondel organizes a rapid evacuation and reprimands the player characters, but he is unable to punish them immediately because he requires their assistance in rescuing Crying Dawn Singer.

