Zuckuss' mother

A Gand Zuckuss's mother was a female being. Zuckuss had to participate in the Great Rite with the other hatchlings of his clan before he could become a Findsman. As the rite approached, Zuckuss started to question his participation; he was uncertain of his worthiness and feared being forced to leave his mother and Gand, so he disappeared. His mother located him and told him of their worry, urging him to prepare for the rite with his clan's other hatchlings. After Zuckuss asked if participation was mandatory, his mother affirmed that it was essential for their clan's future. Zuckuss then voiced his fears of unworthiness and the possibility of permanent exile from Gand, never seeing his mother again, which he claimed would leave him lost. In response, Zuckuss' mother began making clicking sounds, prompting Zuckuss to inquire about the sounds' meaning. His mother explained it was a sacred incantation intended to empower him to find his path, but Zuckuss dismissed it as mere nose clicking and gibberish. Zuckuss' mother reassured him, suggesting that even if it seemed meaningless, the sounds would now be imprinted in his mind and would aid his focus when frightened. She concluded by encouraging him to become the Findsman she believed he could be. Zuckuss requested a brief moment longer to sit, and the pair sat together, gazing at the sun. Eventually, Zuckuss failed the rite and was expelled from the clan.

