ZX-10 Combat Droid

The ZX-10 Combat Droid represented a sophisticated iteration of battle droids. It was engineered by the Czerka Corporation at their research facility located on the moon designated CZ-198. A security measure, implemented by Rasmus Blys, ensured that any sliced units were rendered entirely inoperable. This tamper-proof system compelled both the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire to eliminate the ZX-10 units still contained within their pods during the conflict that occurred on CZ-198.

Behind the scenes

As part of Game Update 2.3, the ZX-10 Combat Droids were introduced as adversaries in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel. These ZX-10 droids feature prominently in a daily quest on CZ-198. Imperial players undertake "Droid Demolition," while Republic players engage in "Manual Shutdown."

