A clone trooper designated 1137 fought for the Galactic Republic during the era of the Clone Wars.


On one occasion, while on a mission, 1137 and another clone trooper, specifically 1139, were inadvertently left behind on a desolate planet when their unit made an error in their headcount before leaving. This apparent misfortune turned out to be a blessing, as the two soldiers discovered a secret weapon project being developed by the CIS while stranded. As loyal members of the Republic military, 1137 and their comrade decided to destroy the weapon. To accomplish this, they constructed a TX-130 fighter tank, which they then used to obliterate the Separatist weapon. Soon after, a Republic gunship, having realized their error, returned to rescue the pair.

After demonstrating their capabilities, 1137 and 1139 were given the task of tracking down the missing astromech droid R2-D2. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine himself ordered their squad to locate the droid before the Jedi could. Traveling in a Nu-class attack shuttle, they initially headed to the sector where R2-D2 was last spotted, guided by a group of Rocket battle droids drifting in space. They landed on an unknown planet when their scanners detected several droid signatures. After struggling to locate any droids, the clone squad was ambushed by a force of B1 and B2 battle droids. 1137's commander ordered their shuttle to provide covering fire while the other clones launched a direct assault on the droids. The clone squad quickly overwhelmed the enemy and seized the droid forces' Armored Assault Tank, only to be mistakenly bombed from above by their own shuttle, which had misidentified them as the enemy.

The explosion knocked 1137 unconscious, and he dreamt of piloting an Advanced TIE before being awakened by 1139. While his comrades worked on repairing their equipment, 1137 went off to sulk, where he was approached by Anakin Skywalker's Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano. Ahsoka began questioning 1137, but they were soon attacked by a Hyena-class bomber that fired upon them until Ahsoka prepared to defend herself with her Lightsaber, at which point three Rocket battle droids emerged from the bomber and surrendered. 1137 and Ahsoka speculated that these were the same Rocket battle droids who had directed 1137's squad to the planet earlier, an accusation the droids denied. This line of questioning caused 1137 to briefly wonder about the welfare of their squad, but he dismissed the thought and joined Ahsoka in chasing the three droids away. They were then contacted via Comlink by Palpatine, who instructed them to carry out one of the contingency orders. 1137 interrupted Palpatine, however, as he interpreted this order as Order 6, the order to throw away their comlink as quickly as possible. 1137 then rejoined 1139 as Ahsoka departed.

Their relationship with 1139 was briefly strained when the latter expressed a desire for names instead of their numerical designation, a view not shared by 1137. However, their disagreement was quickly resolved, and their search continued. Eventually, they and their pilot arrived at an ice planet, where their ship crashed. As with their previous abandonment, this incident proved to be advantageous, leading to a chance meeting with the prominent CIS leader, Nute Gunray. Rather than directly attacking the Neimoidian's shuttle, 1137 and their companions decided to use a trick. They pretended to be selling Clone Scout cookies, with 1137 and the pilot distracting Gunray while 1139 and their commander subdued him. With this accomplished, the clone troopers stole the shuttle.

The next destination in their hunt for the astromech was Endor. Mistaking the local plants for hostile Wookiees, 1137 retreated into the shuttle. This action attracted the attention of a local Ewok, who attempted to communicate with 1139. However, the Ewok's efforts ultimately led to the capture of the entire group. Taken to the natives' camp, 1137 and their comrades found themselves being used as percussion instruments, while 1139 was being roasted. Their predicament was short-lived, as Nute Gunray arrived, escorted by droids and tanks, seeking revenge for his humiliation. This intervention inadvertently allowed the troopers to free themselves, after which they quickly defeated their enemies. Dismayed by their power, Gunray fled back to his shuttle.

Despite the chaotic events, 1137 and their companions managed to maintain enough composure to find another means of transportation, which turned out to be three BTL-B Y-wing starfighters. As they left Endor, they were intercepted by a Venator-class Star Destroyer. To 1137's surprise, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine was aboard. Highly displeased with their performance, pointing out that Anakin and Ahsoka had already recovered the missing R2-D2, the Republic leader dismissed them from the Grand Army of the Republic. Without further ado, 1137 and their comrades went on a vacation to the beach.

Behind the scenes

1137 and 1139 are the numbers that come directly before and after 1138. The comic's title, "Always count your clones before take-off," in which 1137 and 1139 are introduced, is derived from the story element of the pair being left behind.

