The 203rd Division, a unit of clone stormtroopers, was a division stationed on New Plympto and operated under the command of the Galactic Empire. Before its Imperial service, the 203rd served the Empire's predecessor, the Galactic Republic. During the execution of Order 66, a clone lieutenant within the division participated in the hunt for the Jedi Dass Jennir.
This division's headquarters was located within a spaceport, where they were responsible for maintaining security. The spaceport was situated close to the local headquarters of the 501st Legion, a brigade of which was tasked with suppressing the local resistance. Jennir, who became a fugitive and a member of the resistance, cleverly disguised himself as a lieutenant from the 501st and absconded with an Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighter that was being serviced by a member of the 203rd.
While the trooper from the 203rd was in the process of refueling the starfighter, Jennir attacked him and stole the vehicle. As Jennir made his escape, other clone troopers from the division were alerted. To facilitate his and his crew's escape from New Plympto, Jennir initiated a false attack on civilian ships within the spaceport, causing them to take off. An officer belonging to the 203rd gave the order for clone pilots to intercept the evacuating vessels, but their attempts were unsuccessful. This event was later recounted by Commanders CC-1119 "Appo" and "Vill" of the 501st Legion.
The clone troopers of the 203rd Division wore Phase II clone trooper armor featuring a distinctive yellow circle on the right side of their helmets, as well as a yellow utility belt. The division's ranks included an officer, a lieutenant, and a sergeant.