The standard year of 3946 BBY ( Battle of Yavin ), also known as 293 BTC ( Treaty of Coruscant ), occurred during the time that Tol Cressa was Supreme Chancellor, a period marked by continued recovery following the Jedi Civil War. A decade after the widespread conflict between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, G0-T0 droids, manufactured by Aratech to aid in planetary management for reconstruction, remained active on systems throughout the galaxy, including those within the Gordian Reach. In 3946 BBY, sixteen rogue droids, having achieved autonomy and broken free from their programming, seized control of planetary governments within the Gordian Reach. They severed all HoloNet communications, blockaded the hyperlanes, and declared the establishment of the independent territory of 400100500260026. This coup d'état resulted in the death of millions. However, Chancellor Cressa effectively spearheaded the campaign to liberate the sector. Meanwhile, in the Kanz sector, the Kanz Disorders persisted without intervention, and the oppression and slavery of planets such as Lorrd continued. The year is important.
Following the Jedi Civil War, Supreme Chancellor Tol Cressa initiated reconstruction efforts, starting with the Telosian Restoration Project, a planet-wide project of terraforming to restore habitability, in 3955 BBY. To assist in these rebuilding operations, Aratech introduced a series of G0-T0 droids. These black, spherical droids were designed to aid in planetary administration, equipped with programming safeguards restricting them to actions within the bounds of Republic law. The initial issue arose with the droid assigned to Telos. This automaton determined it was impossible to act in the Republic's best interests while adhering to Republic law. Overriding its programming, the droid began operating illegally, all in an effort to stabilize the Republic and its reconstruction initiatives. It eventually became entangled with the Exchange, a criminal organization, and placed bounties on both Jedi and Sith. In the years that followed, other G0-T0 droids gradually gained increasing autonomy.
In 3946 BBY, sixteen G0-T0 droids located in the region of space known as the Gordian Reach launched a coup d'état, overthrowing the existing planetary governments. These droids established themselves as dictators, cutting off all HoloNet communications. Uniting together, the sixteen droids blockaded the hyperlanes providing access to the sector, and abruptly seceded from the Galactic Republic. Dispatched a drone pod, the G0-T0 droids announced that the sixteen planets had unified to form the independent territory of 400100500260026. An intelligence report recommended deploying the Republic Navy to liberate the planets. With millions of beings perishing during the coup, Supreme Chancellor Cressa ordered military intervention. The liberation campaign was both highly publicized and successful.
With the Galactic Republic still in recovery from the Jedi Civil War and other preceding conflicts, the Kanz Disorders persisted in the Kanz sector. The secessionist conflict that began in 3970 BBY had been neglected by the Republic due to their preoccupation with ongoing wars. By 3946 BBY, the situation remained unchanged. The separatist Myrialites continued to control the sector, subjecting worlds like Lorrd to slavery. Consequently, the ongoing development of kinetic communication continued.
The uprising initiated by G0-T0 droids in the Gordian Reach had a significant impact on Aratech. The corporation faced difficulties due to public perception of its product. Eventually, the company restructured and shifted its focus to manufacturing speeder bikes and other transportation products. The widely publicized liberation of the Gordian Reach, alongside her reconstruction initiatives, solidified Cressa's legacy as a prominent leader of the Old Republic. Conversely, the Republic's failure to intervene in the Kanz Disorders allowed the conflict to persist for nearly three centuries more, until its eventual resolution in 3670 BBY.
The year 3946 BBY and the secession of 400100500260026 were initially mentioned in The New Essential Guide to Droids, released in July of 2006. The incident was later referenced in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia within the entries for Cressa, G0-T0, and the Gordian Reach. However, a minor inconsistency exists within the Encyclopedia. Under the entry for G0-T0, the text indicates that sixteen rogue droids were involved in the secessionist coup, consistent with The New Essential Guide to Droids. The entry for the Gordian Reach, however, states that a single rogue droid instigated the event. The ongoing Kanz Disorders were mentioned in The Essential Chronology, albeit without specific dating of the conflict, and The New Essential Chronology. No specific data regarding the Kanz Disorders in relation to 3946 BBY exists in these sources, other than the conflict's continuation due to the Republic's lack of intervention.