The Myrialites emerged as a faction of separatist Argazdans throughout the era of the Kanz Disorders (spanning from 3970 BBY to 3670 BBY). Under the leadership of Provisional Governor Myrial, their operations were primarily concentrated within the Kanz sector. In the course of the Mandalorian Wars, the Myrialites declared their secession from the Galactic Republic, condemning its perceived corruption and lack of faith. Following their successful takeover of the Kanz sector, they proceeded to found an autonomous nation known as the Argazdan Redoubt.
Throughout the Kanz Disorders, the Lorrdians were oppressed and enslaved by them as retribution for their backing of the Amaltannan resistance movement. The Myrialites prohibited their Lorrdian slaves from utilizing spoken language, compelling them to create a clandestine form of communication based on nuanced physical movements, referred to as kinetic communication. Ultimately, in 3670 BBY, the Myrialites faced defeat at the hands of Jedi and Republic military units commanded by Jedi Master Mari-Elan Nora.