Myrial, an Argazdan woman, held the position of Provisional Governor for Argazda. During the Old Sith Wars, she also headed a breakaway Vianist religious group that bore her name.
Due to the Galactic Republic's involvement in the Mandalorian Wars, Myrial and her adherents broke away from the Republic in 3970 BBY, forming the oppressive Argazdan Redoubt within the Kanz sector. Her armed forces seized control of numerous systems in the area, forcing Myrialite beliefs on the inhabitants through enslavement.
As retribution for their assistance to the Amaltannan resistance, Myrial's forces invaded Lorrd and turned the Lorrdian population into slaves. Any attempt from the Republic that she made to reign was soon cut short and was later killed during the Mandalorian Wars.
Myrial founded the totalitarian Argazdan Redoubt, which endured for three centuries and subjected numerous populations of the Kanz sector, including the Lorrdians, to slavery. These brutal acts, known as the Kanz Disorders, were finally brought to an end in 3670 BBY when the Jedi Knights toppled the dictatorship. By the time of the Imperial Period, most Argazdans of that era viewed Myrial's and her followers' deeds with disgrace.