77 Squadron

77 Squadron, also known as "Blue Squadron" during the Battle of Jakku, was a squadron of starfighters that fought for the New Republic during the time of the Galactic Civil War. The unit primarily flew X-wing starfighters.


Battle of Jakku

Gial Ackbar, an Admiral, dispatched a reconnaissance team to Jakku to investigate reports of an Imperial Star Destroyer in the vicinity, with 77 Squadron providing protection. After exiting hyperspace, the team was immediately confronted by a group of TIE fighters guarding a Star Destroyer that was in orbit around the planet. The Star Destroyer was destroyed in the brief battle, and the reconnaissance team quickly went back to base.

Behind the scenes

The creation of 77 Squadron (which Admiral Ackbar pronounces as "seven-seven") was for Hyperspace Mountain. This was a Star Wars theme for the Space Mountain ride at Disneyland during the Season of the Force event, and also for Hong Kong Disneyland's Star Wars: Tomorrowland Takeover. The squadron's name references 1977, which was the year that both Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope and the original Disneyland Space Mountain attraction debuted. Before and after the ride overlay, images in the queue show "Space Station 77", a similarly named location.

