A Change of Command

Shortly after the evacuation of Coruscant in 10 ABY, Wedge Antilles is brought to Admiral Gial Ackbar's office at Headquarters Frigate. Ackbar informs him that the Empire's surprise attack on the capital wiped out over 60% of the New Republic Army's command staff. As a result, many lower ranking members of the army are being promoted to fill in the gaps. Ackbar offers to promote Antilles to the rank of general and put him on his command staff. Antilles refuses at first, arguing that he would contribute more by continuing to lead Rogue Squadron. The two then compromise by having Antilles be promoted but still be kept in charge of Rogue Squadron.

Plot summary

Shortly after the evacuation of Coruscant in 10 ABY, Wedge Antilles is brought to Admiral Gial Ackbar's office at Headquarters Frigate. Ackbar informs him that the Empire's surprise attack on the capital wiped out over 60% of the New Republic Army's command staff. As a result, many lower ranking members of the army are being promoted to fill in the gaps. Ackbar offers to promote Antilles to the rank of general and put him on his command staff. Antilles refuses at first, arguing that he would contribute more by continuing to lead Rogue Squadron. The two then compromise by having Antilles be promoted but still be kept in charge of Rogue Squadron.
