Apartment #8

Apartment #8 was located in 113 Kantal Boulevard in the city of Hedrett on the planet Cularin.

During the time of the Clone Wars, Zabrak Jedi Knight Nek Lawsirk lived in Apartment #8. After Lawsirk was captured by the Dark Jedi Raik Muun, Muun disguised herself as the Zabrak and traveled to the apartment, using it as a base from which she committed unlawful acts against the local population. The Heroes of Cularin were eventually hired by Jedi Master Kirlocca to investigate the crimes that Muun had caused while disguised as Lawsirk, and the agents visited Lawsirk's apartment in search of clues.


During the time of the Clone Wars, Zabrak Jedi Knight Nek Lawsirk lived in Apartment #8. After Lawsirk was captured by the Dark Jedi Raik Muun, Muun disguised herself as the Zabrak and traveled to the apartment, using it as a base from which she committed unlawful acts against the local population. The Heroes of Cularin were eventually hired by Jedi Master Kirlocca to investigate the crimes that Muun had caused while disguised as Lawsirk, and the agents visited Lawsirk's apartment in search of clues.



