Assassination attempt on the Hynestian royal family

Some time prior to the Great Hyperspace Disaster, a banquet was held at the Hynestian royal palace celebrating a treaty brokered between the Hynestians and the Hutt Clan by the Jedi stationed on Hynestia. During the banquet, Padawan Vernestra Rwoh noted that the banquet was serving Povo Punch which was poisonous to Hutts. After Stellan Gios prevented the Hutts from drinking the punch, the Hutts began their attack, targeting the Hynestian royal family. Once the royal family was secured, the Hutts were cornered by the Jedi and the Hynestians.


By about 233 BBY, Padawan Vernestra Rwoh reported to the Temple on Hynestia to meet her new master Stellan Gios. When she arrived, she was greeted by the sight of Gios and Lynela Kabe-Oyu sparring. After everone was introduced to each other, Stellan Gios invited Vernestra to spar with him, resulting in Gios being toppled by Rwoh. Impressed, the two Jedi agreed that Vernestra should join them to the Banquet.

The Assassination Attempt

While attending the banquet, Vernestra noticed that the guests were being served Porvo punch which is poisonous to Hutts as they are unable to eat Povo berries. Moving quickly to prevent a diplomatic faux pas, Stellan Gios leaped over the other party-goers and smacked the drink tray carrying the punch out of a server droid's hands.

After witnessing that they no longer had an excuse to not sign their treaty with the Hynestians, the Hutts opened fire in the banquet hall, and attempted to attack the Hynestian royal family. After instructing Lynela to protect the royal family, Stellan Gios defended the other civilians at the banquet alongside his new Padawan. After noting that the royal family were under the protection of Lynela, Gios told his padawan that it was time to end the attack.

Thinking of a creative solution to trap the attackers, Vernestra used her master's shoulder to vault up into the air and cut down a curtain using her lightsaber, causing the curtain to fall on and trap the attackers. Vernestra and her master then subsequently cornered the escaping Hutts who were then confronted by Queen Nyla who stated that she will either ransom the Hutts back to the Grand Hutt Council or do to them what they normally do to assassins.


After the assassination attempt, Vernestra asked her master why he couldn't sense the Hutts treachary, and he taught her about how she can't alwas rely just on the Force to expect things, sometimes she just needs to accept the surprises in life. After this lesson, Stellan Gios requested a lesson of his own, asking Vernestra to teach him how to do the leap she executed during the assassination attempt.

Behind the scenes

The Assassination attempt on the Hynestain royal family appeared as the main conflict of the comic short story First Mission, which was released on December 15, 2021 as a part of The High Republic Adventures Annual 2021.



