Attack on a Republic cruiser

In 21 BBY, during the Clone Wars, a Mandalorian saboteur, who was a member of the Mandalorian Death Watch group and acting with support from the Separatist Alliance, launched an attack on a Galactic Republic cruiser located in a shipyard. Upon being discovered, the saboteur exchanged fire with Republic forces before choosing to take his own life. While that robbed the Republic of a chance to question the Mandalore, a holographic recording of the assault was made.

In response to the attack, the Jedi High Council dispatched Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi to the planet Mandalore to speak with Duchess Satine Kryze, the leader of the pacifistic New Mandalorians. While on Mandalore, Kenobi led an investigation to discover if Kryze, the planet, or the New Mandalorians had joined the Confederacy. Upon his arrival, Kenobi showed the recording of the assault to the Duchess.

The attack on a Republic cruiser first appeared in a holographic recording in "The Mandalore Plot," the twelfth episode of the second season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series, which aired on January 29, 2010

Behind the scenes

The attack on a Republic cruiser first appeared in a holographic recording in "The Mandalore Plot," the twelfth episode of the second season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series, which aired on January 29, 2010




