During the Mandalorian Wars between the Galactic Republic and Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, the two factions battled on the planet of Ord Mantell. In 3963 BBY, the Mandalorians launched their full invasion of Republic space, splitting into three invasion corridors. One group charged through the Zongorlu system to Ord Mantell, where the Mandalorians triumphed before moving to conquer the planet of Iridonia.
In 3963 BBY, the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders launched their full invasion of Galactic Republic space after harassing it for many years in the early stages of a conflict called the Mandalorian Wars. They began by conquering the planet of Taris before advancing their forces to carve three paths through Republic territory. One path took Mandalorians through the Zongorlu system, where they won a battle, and that group split between those that would attack an arboreal world, Ithor, and those that moved to assault the planet of Ord Mantell, one of the Republic's Ordnance/Regional Depots. Mandalorians harassed and conquered the Zabrak colonies in the Outer Rim Territories at this time as well.
The battle on Ord Mantell was one of many the Mandalorians won during their invasion.
Following Ord Mantell, the Mandalorians moved on to take the planet of Iridonia.
In 24 ABY, historian Vilnau Teupt mentioned the battle at Ord Mantell in an overview of the Mandalorian Wars during his delivery of the keynote address at the 412th Proceedings of Galactic Anthropology and History, in which he spoke on the Mandalorian race's development.
The battle was first referenced in The Essential Atlas. It was marked on a galactic map showing the course of the Mandalorian Wars rather than described in prose. In the Atlas, the Bright Jewel system was denoted as the "Ord Mantell system" after the planet of Ord Mantell, which it contained. The battle was later mentioned in 2012's The Essential Guide to Warfare, which established that it took place on the planet itself.
- The Essential Atlas
- The Essential Guide to Warfare