A battle between the New Republic and an enemy force took place on the planet Rirsack during or before 13 ABY. Due to the bravery and brilliant tactics of Lieutenant Lar Ndigo, the New Republic emerged victorious. Ndigo's actions led to his promotion to the rank of captain and his subsequent appointment to Republic operations on the planets Nam Chorios and Pallaxides under General Han Solo.
The battle was first mentioned in the first issue of the Star Wars: Crimson Empire III—Empire Lost series of comics, authored by Mike Richardson and published by Dark Horse Comics on October 26, 2011. The fourth issue, published on February 8, 2012, misspells Rirsack as "Rorsack." The Essential Atlas Online Companion confirms the original spelling as the accurate one.
The battle was first mentioned in the first issue of the Star Wars: Crimson Empire III—Empire Lost series of comics, authored by Mike Richardson and published by Dark Horse Comics on October 26, 2011. The fourth issue, published on February 8, 2012, misspells Rirsack as "Rorsack." The Essential Atlas Online Companion confirms the original spelling as the accurate one.