Nom Anor, disguised as a Givin, attempted to sabotage the Yag'Dhul system's defenses in preparation for the attack.
A Yuuzhan Vong force assaulted the planet in the hopes of using it as a staging area to attack the Core, but an effort by Corran Horn, Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila thwarted Nom Anor's plans. The Givin fleet defended Yag'Dhul, but was outnumbered by approximately two to one. However, Yuuzhan Vong forces were withdrawn due to the Second Battle of Sernpidal, saving Yag'Dhul.
Although the book only mentions Givin-designed ships taking part in the battle, and that New Republic forces would be fifteen hours away, The New Jedi Order Sourcebook shows a large amount of non-Givin ships in the battle, coming out of hyperspace.
- The New Jedi Order Sourcebook
- "The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Nosaurians" — Star Wars Gamer 9
- The New Essential Chronology
- The Essential Atlas