Battle of the Oppressor

During the Desolator crisis, a proxy conflict of the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, a battle was fought on the Sith warship Oppressor above the planet Tython. By the Sith Lord Darth Angral, as the final stage of his revenge against the Jedi Order and the Republic for the death of his son Tarnis at the hands of a young Jedi Knight. Learning that Angral was attempting to destroy Tython with the Desolator superweapon, the Knight boarded Angral's flagship with the Jedi's apprentice Kira Carsen in an attempt to disable the weapon and defeat Angral, while their astromech companion T7-O1 disabled the ship's defenses.

The confrontation resulted in the destruction of the Oppressor, Kira Carsen's freedom from the Sith Emperor's influence, and the death of Darth Angral. Despite his failure, Angral's actions were viewed by the Jedi Council as the spark to ignite the next war between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire.


  • Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia



