Blerx Tango

Blerx Tango was a male Bith musician. During the Galactic Civil War, he was the leader of a band called the Dewback Ramblers.


During the Galactic Civil War, Blerx worked in the nerf farm of Domo Jones' uncle. He and Domo fall in love with a Twi'lek waitress of the Mos Zabu cantina named JillJoo Jab. Around the same time, Blerx toured on Dantooine and Orto. Some time later, Domo Jones decided to help the Alliance to Restore the Republic by sabotaging an Imperial purchase of Nergon-14 proton torpedoes from the criminal Ep Gart. He therefore enlisted the help of Blerx, JillJoo Jab and the protocol droid UR-1. The four successfully foiled the Imperial plot by causing a herd of nerfs to stampede the location of the sale.

Blerx Tango in the Lucky Star cantina

Blerx Tango in the Lucky Star cantina

After the Battle of Yavin, Blerx Tango and the Dewback Ramblers operated out of the Lucky Star cantina in Mos Entha. Tango was the leader of the band and played kloo horn.

In 1 ABY, he learned that a fellow band member named Jakko Mixon got stranded in the desert. Jakko had fallen for an old trick, a scam where he believed he would get a cheap ride to Bestine. Fortunately, Blerx managed to employ the help of a spacer, who sought out to find Jakko, and bring him back safely to Mos Entha. However, the troubles had not yet ended for Blerx's band members. His Ithorian ommni box player, Mellaw Doowon, needed to be escorted back safely after making some bad jokes with Imperial authorities. Once again, the spacer was tasked to find Mellaw, and bring him back to Blerx. Unfortunately for the spacer, a stormtrooper would not let Mellaw be escorted back. The stormtrooper opened fire, forcing the spacer to kill the trooper. Yet the ordeals were not yet over. Another band member, Baze Joz, ended up biting an agent from the Imperial Security Bureau. Committed, the spacer sought out Baze Joz, so that he too could be brought back to Jakko. When the spacer approached Baze, he was attacked by three Imperial sergeants. The three sergeants were ultimately dispatched by the spacer, allowing him to bring Baze home safely. In addition to the credits that Blerx provided the spacer, he was also awarded a nalargon for his service.

Behind the scenes

Blerx Tando first appeared in the comic Nerf Herder, published in Star Wars Tales 7, where he was only named Blerx. Blerx and other characters from the comic, JillJoo Jab and Domo Jones, were later used in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its closure on December 15, 2011. In the game, players aligned with the Rebel Alliance could help Blerx rescue his three band members.







