"Boba Fett's Armor: An Essential Guide to a Walking Weapon" is an illustration developed by Bill Smith for the Star Wars: Boba Fett magazine published in April 1998 by the editors of Star Wars Galaxy Collector. The illustration shows a full-body picture of Boba Fett and points out many features of his Mandalorian armor.
- CzerkaZ-X Flame-projector fitted onto gauntlet (range: 5 meters)
- Kelvarek Consolidated Arms MM-9 Wrist rockets (range: 25 meters)
- (range: 25 meters)
- BlasTechEE-3 Blaster rifle (range: 750 meters)
- Sonic beam-weapon (range: 50 meters)
- Z-6 Jetpack fitted w/ concussion missile and grappler (range: concussion missile: 75 meters; grappler: 50 meters)
- Vibroblade hidden within Bobas gauntlet.