Chelik's daughter

Chelik's daughter was a princess of the Hapan Royal House, the daughter of Chelik and great-niece of the Queen Mother Ta'a Chume.

During the Yuuzhan Vong War, she attempted to assassinate her cousin Prince Isolder as he returned to the Fountain Palace. Her attempt was foiled by Isolder's daughter, the Chume'da Tenel Ka Djo, and she was led away by the guard Ubris.

Although Tenel Ka's first thought was that Chelik was behind the assassination attempt, she decided on reflection that the girl had more likely been put up to the act by her scheming aunt Alyssia, and that the attempt had been intended to fail, in order to weaken Chelik and strengthen Alyssia's own ambitions to seize the throne.

Tenel Ka calmly assumed that her cousin would be promptly executed for her action.



