"Chapter 13" is the thirteenth episode of the Star Wars: Clone Wars animated television series, the third episode in Season Two, and the thirteenth episode in Volume One. Directed by Genndy Tartakovsky, the episode originally aired on Cartoon Network on March 30, 2004.
Surrounded by B2 super battle droids and without a lightsaber, Mace Windu defends himself against the droids the only way he can—with his bare fists. Augmented by the Force, he destroys many droids this way. Then, after the seismic tank fires again, he catches sight of his lightsaber and manages to retrieve it. Armed once more, he makes quick work of both the tank and the remaining droids. The local situation under control, Windu accepts a drink of water from the onlooking boy, Paxi Sylo, then heads back into the battle at large.
This episode is arguably the most controversial episode of the series among fans, as some believe that it exaggerates Mace Windu's abilities with the Force. However, Leland Chee has defended the portrayal in the episode, citing uses of the Force in The Phantom Menace and The Empire Strikes Back.
Genndy Tartakovsky revealed in his Hyperspace audio commentary that this is his favorite episode of the series, and that he was nervous about presenting the episode to George Lucas due to the issue mentioned above.