The Corporate Security Headquarters was a multi-building complex on the Morlana One seaside which functioned as the headquarters and command center of the Pre-Mor Enforcement, the Preox-Morlana security branch. It was surrounded by a tall fence with observation towers and comprised of multiple glass rhombohedrons connected with each other via skybridges. On the yard surrounding the towers were paths leading from one building to another and underground passages leading to deeper sublevels.
Inside the main building there was the Pre-Mor Enforcement Command center, a room filled with computers and holoscreens used to monitor the entirety of the Preox-Morlana sector. A team of analysts worked there in shifts and were responsible for collecting the day's information to deliver it to superior officers. They could also put out bulletins issued in the name of the Pre-Mor enforcement, requiring information about criminal activities from the citizens.
Pre-Mor security officers also maintained offices in the same building. These included the Chief Inspector's Office which was used for high level meetings and interviews as well as a number of offices for junior officers such as Deputy Inspectors.