"Death in the Catacombs" is a short story written by Mike W. Barr that was originally published in Star Wars Insider 79.
The story takes place a few days after the First Battle of Geonosis. Jyl Somtay, a newly-promoted Jedi, has been assigned the task to wipe out the Geonosian resistance.
One night, she is contacted by Dr. Frayne, a scientist who has been studying the Geonosian culture. The meeting turns out to be a trap, during which Jyl is knocked unconscious.
The story takes place a few days after the First Battle of Geonosis. Jyl Somtay, a newly-promoted Jedi, has been assigned the task to wipe out the Geonosian resistance.
One night, she is contacted by Dr. Frayne, a scientist who has been studying the Geonosian culture. The meeting turns out to be a trap, during which Jyl is knocked unconscious.