Created in the waning days of the Galactic Republic, the Dianoga was a bulky starfighter and extraordinarily overpowered for a peacetime vessel. Growing chaos in the Republic, however, ensured that few questioned the purpose of such a powerful fighter.
The Dianoga soon became popular with pirate and mercenary groups, as it was comparatively cheap and easy to obtain in comparison to military-grade fighters. This would soon result, after the end of the Clone Wars, however, since the line was discontinued it was hard to find parts to maintain them.
In 32 BBY, mercenaries contracted by the Trade Federation launched an attack against Queen Amidala of Naboo. The survivors later tangled with Vana Sage, another mercenary who had intercepted their transmission.
Dianoga starfighters appear in the 2001 video game Star Wars: Starfighter and in the game's 2002 sequel, Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter.
- Star Wars: Starfighter: Prima's Official Strategy Guide
- The Clone Wars Campaign Guide