Dust bunny

Biology and appearance

Dust bunnies were gray fuzzy creatures with large white eyes. They had arms and legs, which were often concealed beneath their fuzz. They were also capable of swinging from a sort of string and could balance on top of one another.


The dust bunnies offer a flower to Grogu.

The dust bunnies offer a flower to Grogu.

At some point no earlier than 41 BBY, a group of dust bunnies discovered the Force-sensitive youngling Grogu, who was in meditation. They began to bounce and swing around him until one finally landed on his head, disturbing his meditation before plummeting into a puddle of water below. Grogu—himself falling into the puddle after sneezing—turned to see the dust bunnies observing him before he began to walk away.

The dust bunnies followed, prompting him to begin running from them until he turned, with one dust bunny colliding with his face and knocking him over. Now with Grogu's full attention, the creatures began to dance in front of him before presenting him with a flower, which he accepted, bowing to them in thanks. The dust bunnies then piled up around the child, who proceeded to draw a circular symbol in the air with his finger.

Behind the scenes

Dust bunnies appeared in the 2022 Disney+ animated short "Zen – Grogu and Dust Bunnies," created by Studio Ghibli. The creatures, known as susuwatari (ススワタリ) in Japanese and alternately translated as "soot sprites," "soot gremlins," or "black soots," originated from outside of the Star Wars franchise in the 1988 Studio Ghibli film My Neighbor Totoro.



