Faddera Rabar


A member of Enfys Nest's Cloud-Riders, Rabar was native to a world which had been devastated by one of the Five Crime Syndicates. In 10 BBY, a group of Cloud-Riders attempted to steal a shipment of coaxium fuel from a 20-T Railcrawler conveyex transport on the cold mountainous planet of Vandor. However, the efforts of the gang did not prevail and the shipment was instead stolen by a crew of thieves led by Tobias Beckett, and associated with Crimson Dawn, one of the Five Crime Syndicates. Nest commanded her Cloud-Riders to follow the crew. The Riders eventually tracked the crew to the planet Savareen where Rabar stood alongside Nest and eleven others as they confronted the crew, before bringing them inside a cantina for a drink. Nest and Beckett's crew eventually teamed up, and Rabar would participate in a skirmish against Crimson Dawn's Hylobon Enforcers, shooting at them with their blaster from a ledge. The Cloud-Riders would achieve victory and were given the coaxium by Beckett's crew, before the two groups parted ways.

Personality and traits

Rabar had brown skin and black eyes.


Rabar wore a white helmet, a brown tunic, grey pants and armguards, and brown boots. They also wielded a blaster rifle.

Behind the scenes

Faddera Rabar was portrayed by Barbara Fadden in the anthology film Solo: A Star Wars Story, released on May 25, 2018. Prior to the film's release, the character was pictured in the official trailer, released on April 8, 2018. The Savareen beach scenes including Rabar were shot on the Canary Island of Fuerteventura between May 30 and June 9, 2017. The character's costume was reused in the first episode of the 2019 television show The Mandalorian.

The character's name was first identified in the 2016 mobile application Star Wars: Card Trader. The character's name is a tuckerization of the actress' name.










