Farana (region)

Farana, also known as Farana Space, was a region of space located within the Wild Space portion of the Tingel Arm, rimward of the Corporate Sector.


Farana was a remote area located in Wild Space, rimward of the Trianii Space and the Morellian Commonwealth, between the Corporate Sector and the Unknown Regions. For long, the region had remained independent from galactic governments while building extensive ties between with the rest of the galaxy through trade and migration.


Farana was the Wild Space region ruled by the Ocsin and named after the name of their homeworld, Farana. The sector contained also some Ocsin colony worlds.

The Farana Space had become a freestanding subsector of the Galactic Empire at the time of the Battle of Yavin. This meant that this remote area was poorly explored or insufficiently documented before the Imperial period and was only recognized as a potential sector by the Empire. Yet, the region was not given a formal sector status when incorporated into Imperial Space and was not represented in the Imperial Senate for the time being.

The region was annexed by warlord Zsinj in 7 ABY and stayed in his territory until his death in 8 ABY.

In 16 ABY Luke Skywalker came across the Star Morning and spent time with its occupants, the Fallanassi.


  • Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Third Edition, Revised and Expanded
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Visual Guide Ultimate Battles
  • The Essential Atlas
  • Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook



