Galek (tree)

When the Yuuzhan Vong attacked Mandalore during their invasion of the galaxy, the galek tree groves near Mandalore's capital city, Keldabe, were among the few areas of the planet the Vong did not target for destruction. In the year 40 ABY, Mand'alor Boba Fett retrieved the remains of his deceased father, Jango, from the red sand deserts of Geonosis and brought them to Mandalore. There, in one of the undisturbed galek tree groves not far from the Kelita River, Fett buried his father's remains next to those of his daughter's, Ailyn Vel. He later visited the galek-encircled graves a number of times, both alone and in the company of his granddaughter, Mirta Gev.

Galek trees were first introduced to the Star Wars universe in the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force novel, Sacrifice, written by author Karen Traviss and published May 29, 2007. The following year, in 2008, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia featured an informational entry on galek trees.

Behind the scenes

Galek trees were first introduced to the Star Wars universe in the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force novel, Sacrifice, written by author Karen Traviss and published May 29, 2007. The following year, in 2008, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia featured an informational entry on galek trees.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia



