Gunganese, also known as Gungan or Old Gungan, was the native language of the Gungans, an amphibious species from Naboo. In practice, the Gungans often used a pidgin tongue that combined Galactic Basic Standard with Gunganese words and speech patterns. Although stereotyped as exclusively using the pidgin, some Gungans, like Aro N'cookaala, spoke perfect Basic.
- Heyo Dalee ("Hello")
- Mackineek ("Droid")
- Flasher (Blaster)
In Star Wars Legends sources, the term "Gunganese" was applied to the Gungan-accented pidgin Basic rather than the native Gungan language, which in turn was referred to as "Old Gungan."
- Nexus of Power
- Star Wars: Aliens of the Galaxy
- Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia
- Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition
- Rise of the Separatists