Jedi enclave (Corellia)


Set back from the hustle and bustle of Coronet, the Enclave consisted of two one-story wings that spread out from the central structure, which was crowned by a spiraling tower. The two wings consisted of small classrooms that were filled with small desks and posters of ancient Masters. While there were Jedi instructors, protocol droids were used to assist teachers. The center tower was used for office space and communications center that allowed Master Horn to remain in contact with the Temple on Coruscant.


During the Second Galactic Civil War, the Corellian government labeled all Jedi enemies of the state. During a mission to Corellia, Master Luke Skywalker infiltrated the locked-down Enclave and ordered its occupants off world. Fleeing the Enclave, the five younglings and the other Jedi returned to the Ossus Academy to train away from the war.



