Jorin was a Human male living on the planet Coruscant and worked as a police officer with the Coruscant Security Force. During the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire, Jorin served under Sergeant Nidaljo in the CSF's Special Tactical Unit, a tactical squad with the primary task of conducting operations against the Black Sun criminal syndicate. When the unit was tasked with aiding a Jedi Knight in rescuing the Republic scientist Eli Tarnis from the syndicate, Jorin was killed during the unit's attempt to set up a perimeter around Black Sun's headquarters in preparation for their upcoming raid.
Jorin was a Human male who served as a police officer for the Coruscant Security Force during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. Serving on the planet Coruscant, Jorin was part of the CSF's Special Tactical Unit, a tactical squad under the command of Sergeant Nidaljo tasked with fighting back against the Coruscant-based Black Sun criminal syndicate. By 3643 BBY, the team had been operating deep in the gang's territory for several months when they were tasked with aiding a Jedi Knight in rescuing the Republic scientist Eli Tarnis.
The unit was in the process of establishing a perimeter around Black Sun's headquarters when the criminals attacked with high-grade weapons. Six members of the unit were killed in the attack, and Jorin was severely injured along with four others, forcing the unit to fall back behind a hastily-created barricade. Jorin succumbed to his injuries and died not long after the Jedi Knight arrived, but the man's death helped the Jedi inspire Nidaljo and the rest of the unit to continue the fight and overwhelm Black Sun's forces.
A Human male, Jorin had light skin and dark brown hair. As the Coruscant Security Force had no formalized paramilitary training in the years before the Cold War, most officers were ill-trained to handle the street warfare that plagued Coruscant after the Sacking of Coruscant by the Sith. Jorin was one of several brave officers who joined the Special Tactical Unit to fight the Black Sun with more fire power than regular patrol officers had at their disposal. Though his commitment caused him to lose his life, Jorin served—in death—as a rallying point for his fellow cops.
Jorin appears in the BioWare massively multiplayer online role-playing game Star Wars: The Old Republic, in the Jedi Knight class story mission "Rescue." Jorin dies during the player character's conversation with Nidaljo, and the player can use Jorin's death to inspire the Sergeant and his men to join the fight against Black Sun as a light side option. However, the player can also Force Persuade Nidaljo to help for dark side points, or leave the CSF team behind for no alignment points.