During the Galactic Civil War, Alara Fax, the head of the company Fax Ventures, sought to exact vengeance upon her old rival, the SoroSuub Corporation's Varada sector holdings' top operating executive Tyanna Tymb. To that end, Fax studied the sector's star systems in search of business opportunities with which she could compete with Tymb. Discovering the Kadal Asteroid Field's ore deposits, Fax secured a contract that allowed her company to mine the asteroids and process the ore on Bestal Three. When Tymb later purchased trade and resource rights for the Bestal system, she discovered the Fax Ventures' corporate rights to both the Kadal Asteroid Field and Bestal Three and subsequently became determined to acquire for the SoroSuub Corporation the rights to the entire system.
The Kadal Asteroid Field was introduced in "Adversaries: Characters for the Star Wars: New Republic Campaign," a roleplaying game source article authored by Bill Slavicsek for use with West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game and published in Polyhedron 97 in July 1994. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Bestal system, and therefore the asteroid field, in grid square I-19.
The Kadal Asteroid Field was introduced in "Adversaries: Characters for the Star Wars: New Republic Campaign," a roleplaying game source article authored by Bill Slavicsek for use with West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game and published in Polyhedron 97 in July 1994. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Bestal system, and therefore the asteroid field, in grid square I-19.